Below is a great video from BuzzFeedYellow "10 Foods That Are Trying To Kill You."
- Cherries - Pits contain Cyanide.
- Rhubarb - The stems are edible but the leaves contain oxalic acid this chemical is often found in bleach.
- Star fruit - Contains Caramboin which can cause seizures and death in those with kidney problems.
- Green Potatoes - Contain Solanine
- Cassava - Raw Cassava has compounds that turn into Cyanide in the body.
- Brazil nuts - These nuts are radioactive and contain more Radium than any other food.
- Red Kidney Beans - If eaten raw will cause extreme nausea due to cyanide poisoning.
- Lima Beans - Same issue as Red Kidney Beans
- Nutmeg - More than 2 Tbsp. can cause hallucinations and even death.
- Moldy Rye Bread - Contains compounds similar to LSD.
I actually knew a few of these like Cherries, Rhubarb, Green potatoes, Nutmeg, and of course the Moldy Rye Bread. Hello! Salem Witch Trials! I had no idea about Star fruit, Cassava, Brazil nuts or the Beans. Wonder what other foods are out to get us?
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