Saturday, March 14, 2015

Foods that are Secretly trying to Kill you!

What?  How can food secretly be trying to kill me?  You probably think I'm talking about junk food which we all know is bad for us. Actually I'm talking about every day foods that you would never think could harm you.

Below is a great video from BuzzFeedYellow "10 Foods That Are Trying To Kill You."

  • Cherries - Pits contain Cyanide.
  • Rhubarb - The stems are edible but the leaves contain oxalic acid this chemical is often found in bleach.
  • Star fruit - Contains Caramboin which can cause seizures and death in those with kidney problems.
  • Green Potatoes - Contain Solanine
  • Cassava - Raw Cassava has compounds that turn into Cyanide in the body.
  • Brazil nuts - These nuts are radioactive and contain more Radium than any other food.
  • Red Kidney Beans - If eaten raw will cause extreme nausea due to cyanide poisoning.
  • Lima Beans - Same issue as Red Kidney Beans
  • Nutmeg - More than 2 Tbsp. can cause hallucinations and even death.
  • Moldy Rye Bread - Contains compounds similar to LSD.


I actually knew a few of these like Cherries, Rhubarb, Green potatoes, Nutmeg, and of course the Moldy Rye Bread.  Hello! Salem Witch Trials!   I had no idea about Star fruit, Cassava, Brazil nuts or the Beans.  Wonder what other foods are out to get us?

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