1. Sweat has no smell. True or false?
Come to find out sweat itself does not have a smell. The bacteria on your skin creates the smell.
2. How much spit does your mouth make every day? A pint, 2-4 pints, 5-7 pints?
Your mouth creates 2-4 pints of saliva per day. That seems like a lot but when you think about what all saliva is used for it's not that much.
3. Can I drink pee?
While urine is sterile and contains mostly water you could pass on a nasty infection or re-digest things your body was trying to get rid of.
4. What body part makes bile? Liver, Kidneys, or Bladder?
Bile is made by the liver and stored in the gall bladder. Bile is used to help you digest food and eliminate waste.
5. Only your nose contains mucus. True or False?
Mucus is also found in your mouth, lungs, intestines, and stomach. It's the body's internal lubricant.
6. How much sperm is in semen? Less than 1%, Less than 10%, less than 20%.
Only 1% of semen is made up of sperm. Semen also contains water, sugar, acids, protein, and zinc.
7. Women produce "practice milk" before really lactating. True or False?
"Practice milk" or colostrum is produced the first few days after the baby is born. It can be thick and yellow or thin and watery. It contains ingredients that help keep the baby healthy and protected like antibodies.
8. You can cry with your nose.
Tears come from glands under your upper eyelids. Some glands drain out through tiny tubes between your eyes and nose. If you are crying particularly hard tears can come out of all the glands at once causing some tears to come out of your nose.
9. Fluid in your ears can affect your balance. True or False?
Inside the inner ear there is a liquid filled pouch-like sac. It holds the correct amount of fluid so you can move and maintain balance. If fluid builds up in your ears it can cause vertigo or dizziness.
10. Pale urine means your body has excess water to get rid of.
Pale urine indicates you are well hydrated. If your urine is dark then you are dehydrated.
11. The vagina cleans itself with discharge.
Yes! The vagina is self cleaning. Discharge helps keep it clean and moist and prevent infection. Normal discharge should be clear, off-white, or white. Discharge should never itch or burn or be green or yellow or have a strong smell. If it does, go see a doctor.
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