Thursday, March 5, 2015

4th cone

How many color variations do you see in the above picture? 

After reading the debates regarding "The Dress" I stumbled upon this article about how our eyes process color.  How well we process color depends on the number of rods and cones in your eyes, which can vary from person to person.

There are actually 3 common categories or levels of color people can see,dichromats, trichromats, and tetrachromats.  Look at the photo above and count how many different color differences you see.
The number of differences you see determines which category you fit in.

Dichromats can see 20 or less color variations.  25% of people fit into this category.  This means you only have two types of cones. You probably wear a lot of black, beige, and blue.

Trichromats can see somewhere between 20 and 32 colors in the picture above.  This means you have 2 types of cones in your eyes.  50% of the population are trichromats. Despite not seeing the full color range you still enjoy a full variety of colors.

Tetrachromats can see somewhere between 33 and 39 colors in the image.  25% of the population are tetrachromats and have 4 cones in your eyes. Most tetrachromats are irritated by the color yellow.

I am a tetrachromat.  I can see all 39 colors in the picture above.  The sourced article stated that most tetrachromats wouldn't have been fooled by the gold/white blue/black dress fiasco.  I find this interesting since all of the pictures that I saw I could understand how you could see blue but I always saw the lace trim as gold. 

Tell me about what you see.


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